Audio from August 22 IAB meeting online now
27 August, 2012
category: Multimedia
The August meeting of the influential Government Smart Card Interagency Advisory Board (IAB) was recently held in Washington D.C. was on hand to cover the event and has provided, as a service to the IAB and the smart card community, an audio recording of the presentations. Click on the link below to access a list of audio and accompanying PowerPoint slides (in pdf format).
Government Smart Card Interagency Advisory Board (IAB) Meeting
Opening Remarks
Tim Baldridge, IAB Chair -
Use of PIV-I in Medical Disaster Response Demonstration
Dr. James, AMA and Craig Wilson, FEMA ContractorPDF: click here
Considerations for the User Experience when PIV-Enabling Applications
Bill Erwin, DoDPDF: click here
MP3: click here
Update of the FICAM Trust Framework Provider Adoption Process
Anil John, GSAMP3: click here
Initiatives and Products from Oracle Meeting FICAM Initiatives
Derrick Harcey, OracleMP3: click here
Closing Remarks
Tim Baldridge, IAB Chair